Thursday 7 May 2015

"How was your day?"

While we were having dinner last night, hubby and I were busy catching up on each other's day. IZ was seated in-between.

IZ: why you like to talk to daddy and not me?
Me: hmm.. I enjoy talking to my husband about my day (where the whole no talking during mealtimes gone to, Mommy?!)
IZ: then what about me?
Me: all you'll reply when I ask how's your day is "good".. nothing to talk about right?

And so, this morning after we parted our ways, he suddenly came back running to the car..

IZ: I forgot to ask how was your work yesterday
Hubby: good!
Me: good! (then I had second thought about the monosyllable reply.. I added..) Not always good, but yesterday was good
IZ: not always good?
Me: yes not everyday a good day
IZ: oh, sometimes good?
Me: yes, let's talk about it tonight
IZ: enjoy your work, Daddy, Mommy!

Oh wait, how old is he again?


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