Tuesday 27 May 2014

Parents Teachers Meeting: 27th May'14

Hubby and I went to Kinderland this morning for PTM. Last term PTM post here.

Time flies, IZ has been under Ms Fizah and Xu Laoshi for 6 terms already.

As Ms Fizah was with other parents, we started with Xu Laoshi.

Xu Laoshi said IZ's Chinese has improved. He converse more and sing along too. He has turned playful this term, being aware he's grown. He disturbed his classmates during class too! My guess is, he is no longer afraid of Xu Laoshi. Haha!

Ms Fizah told us he did the show and tell of the stove we made all by himself without much prompting. I'm so proud of him! As usual, he'll be nonchalant about anything we tried to ask about school. I won't know how he's doing except through these PTMs.

IZ is also said to be pretty persistent in demanding apology from his friends when they hit him (intentionally and not). He kept asking his friends to apologise and would complain to the teacher (something I taught him to do). Unfortunately teacher's response to his complaint was "they are just playing". Probably teacher could first acknowledge his feelings, that he was upset that his friend hit him instead of brushing his feelings aside.

In the portfolio, I read that IZ could express his feelings well. He would cross his arms and show an angry face. When asked why, he would tell the teacher that he was angry with so and so because she came late. Teacher wrote that he could express his feelings through words and body language.

Nothing much to catch up this term it seems, all is well.


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